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There are numerous changes in the body during pregnancy or weight loss. Collagen fibers elongate, often lose their ability to contract, the skin becomes loose, stretch marks appear, and excess skin may interfere with daily functioning. Diastasis recti (is a condition where the abdominal muscles separate) are common, reducing overall abdominal tension and may require surgical intervention. Then we are talk about body-contouring surgery.

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The purpose of the operation is to improve the appearance of the abdomen. Most often it concerns the removal of excess skin along with the subcutaneous tissue and the closure of the diastasis recti, which gives the figure a more aesthetic appearance.

The cut is located very low so that it can be hidden under the underwear. Then the only visible sign of the operation is the scar around the navel, which is barely visible with the proper surgical technique. Abdominoplasty can be combined with liposuction, which allows for obtain the best effect.


Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not a way to loose weight. The best results are obtained in patients who are physically active but have difficulty with loose of the small deposits of fat. Most often it concerns such areas as the abdomen, hips, legs and chin. The use of modern techniques and devices supporting liposuction allows for a beautifully sculpted figure.

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Dynamic Definition (4D) Liposculpture

This is a modern technique from a series of "body contouring" treatments.

It includes surgical procedures that allow you to achieve an athletic, natural-look figure. It uses VASER liposuction technique at different levels of subcutaneous tissue, skin contracture treatments with plasma devices and lipotransfer.

These procedures require the surgeon to have adequate knowledge

of anatomy, available technologies, and artistic predispositions.

These are treatments dedicated to patients with high expectations.

The best candidates are physically active patients who need to give their figure a "dynamic definition" and  post-pregnancy women with limited indications for abdominoplasty. In such cases, the procedure may be combined with endoscopic closure of the diastasis recti without scarring around the navel.

In order to optimize the effect, the care of a physiotherapist

is recommended after the procedure.

© 2023 by Piotr E. Janik, MD

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